Friday, August 26, 2022

Padmasana Lotus Pose Steps and How To #yoga #fitness #meditation #padmasana

What is Padmasana / Lotus Pose?

Padmasana yoga or the lotus yoga pose is a posture followed during meditation. It is a cross-legged yoga posture which helps deepen meditation by calming the mind and alleviating various physical ailments.When this yoga pose is done, it is believed that the practitioner blossoms like a lotus and hence it is called Padmasana. Here the Padma in Sanskrit means Lotus, and Asana means pose or posture. In Chinese and Tibetan Buddhism, the Lotus pose is also known as Vajra position.Another name for Padmasana is “kamalasan” The word Kamal is a Hindi word which means a lotus flower.

‍How to do Padmasana (Steps for Lotus Position)?

‍The lotus position for beginners may be difficult as the legs should be locked together. But after a few days of practice, you can master the pose. For the benefit of those starting, here is a step-by-step guide on doing padmasana for beginners.

    Follow the Padmasana steps given below to practise it:

Step 1: Seat yourself down on the floor or on a mat with your legs outstretched before you and keep your spine erect.

 Step 2: Bend your right knee and place it over your left thigh. Ensure that the sole of your right foot points upward and that your heel is close to your abdomen.

 Step 3: Now, repeat the previous step with your left leg.

 Step 4: Now that your legs are crossed and your feet are placed on opposite thighs, place both your hands on your knees in the mudra position.
Step 5: Ensure that your head is straight, and your spine is erect at all times.

 Step 6: Maintain this position and continue with gentle long breaths taken in and out.

Padmasana Benefits

‍Lotus yoga position is one of the necessary poses for meditation and provides significant benefits. Some of the padmasana benefits:

    Boosts energy levels: Staying in a lotus position for 30 minutes can enhance the rate of blood flow, make space for positive energy by removing unwanted thoughts, improve the metabolic rate, and increase both internal and external energy levels.In a study conducted on 50 men between the age of 20-23, sitting in a lotus position for 30 minutes increased the energy levels in the acupuncture meridians, which is similar to prana shakti in Ayurveda.

    ‍Removes mental stress: The padmasana pose relaxes the body and the mind, thus reducing the tension in the tight muscles and accumulated stress. Deep breathing during this pose frees up the mind and fills you with positive energy. This relaxes the overthinking brain.
Improves digestion:
  This is because Padmasana yoga provides the abdominal portion of the body with a gentle massage, thereby boosting digestion. Furthermore, blood flow is redirected to the abdomen which enhances the digestive system. Digestive issues like constipation are eradicated when the lotus position is practised with regularity.
    Increases ankle and knee strength: The lotus sitting position can also help in the stretches the ankle and knees. This Asana is the base for all asanas and it strengthens the hip and knee joints of the female and can get painless peaceful mind.
    Improves posture: The lotus position for beginners and advanced practitioners is done with an erect spine. Staying in this position for a longer duration improves flexibility and posture. It also reduces the risk of lower backaches if performed regularly.  
    Increases concentration: The padmasana yoga being a meditative pose, increases the concentration power. Deep breathing enhances alertness and makes you more conscious and aware.
    Boosts respiration: The padmasana yoga pose improves lung capacity by opening the lungs. This means you can intake more oxygen, and due to that, there is more blood flow to the vessels increasing the blood circulation. This reduces the risk of strokes and heart attacks.
    Better sleep: This simple pose can not only beat stress and anxiety; it also gives you a good night’s sleep without any break. It is also helpful in fighting sleep disorders like insomnia. 
Good for women: The lotus sitting position enhances the stability and strength of the pelvic muscles. So it is a good pose for pregnant women as it eases pain and makes childbirth smooth. Women who have menstrual cramps also benefit greatly from the padmasana asana as it massages the abdomen and reduces cramps.
Helps During Childbirth:- Another padmasana advantage is that it helps at the time of childbirth. Padmasana stretches our hip region and helps strengthen the pelvic muscles. Therefore, it helps reduce labour pain during delivery.
Reduces Menstrual Cramps:- Since padmasana makes our pelvic region strong by stretching our muscles, it also helps reduce muscle cramps.
You can reduce the unwanted fat of the hips and the thighs. This is the simplest and easiest asana which can practice by all the age group of men and women they can get benefits of Yoga Asana.


People who are suffering from an ankle injury should not practice this asana. In case you have undergone a recent knee surgery please avoid this asana. If you have a sprain in the leg, then our advice is not to do this asana. Don’t perform this if you suffering from severe back pain.

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