Thursday, August 18, 2022

Half Wind Release Pose, Ardha Pavan Muktasana, Supine One Knee to Chest


1.   Lie down on your back; adjust your lower back by sliding your hips and tailbone down towards your heels so that lower back is firmly resting on the floor without any gap or arch.

2. Tuck the chin into the chest with the head on the floor. Gently pull the knee into the chest using the arms, avoiding the ribcage.

3. Press the shoulders and the back of the neck down into the floor, keep the elbows close to the sides of the body. Relax the legs, feet and hips.

4. Breathe and hold for 4-8 breaths, breathing deeply into the belly, actively pressing it against the thighs on the inhalation.

5. To release: exhale and release the arms and leg to the floor.

6. Repeat on other side.


Half Wind Relieving pose improves digestion and elimination as well as stretching the low back and lengthening the spine.

Massages your lower back and gives relief to lower back pain.

Improves digestion; helps dealing with gastric problems. The pressure on the abdomen releases any trapped gases in the large intestine.

In women, the asana massages the pelvic muscles and reproductive organs and is beneficial for menstrual disorders as well. It also reduces fat in the abdominal area, thighs and buttocks


Solar Plexus (Manipura Chakra) , Sacral Chakra (Swadisthana Chakra) , Root Chakra (Muladhara Chakra)


Pregnant woman should not practice Ardha Pawanmuktasana

Recent abdominal surgery, 



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